Annual Report Evaluation Form

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Instruction manual for the Annual Report Evaluation Form of the RCAES

Accessing the database and the report form

The 2021 annual report tool is the same as the 2020 report tool. Still, we recommend to get through this manual again, as there is a considerable chance that you have not used it for a year.

The annual report form is part of the database (hereafter referred to as BIB) that can be accessed at You can login into the database using your CSFK/RCAES credentials, i.e. your user name from your CSFK email address (surname.firstname and/or firstname.surname) and the corresponding password. You have to login into the CSFK (LDAP) realm. You have to create a new report for 2021 at 'My reports', if you have not done it yet. You can modify your 2021 report until the deadline specified in the email from your director (there is no 'Submit' button!). There is going to be an option to create a report for 2022 as well -- here you can start collecting your 2022 items. We think that this is a good way to keep track of your actvities throughout the year, and we encourage you to do so.

Note that this online tool is replacing BOTH the report and the scoring excel files used earlier, so you just have to fill this one! The scoring table (a.k.a. ultimate excel sheet) is automatically generated from your report!

The report form has 12 tables that you have to fill:

  • Scientific results,
  • Publications,
  • Travels,
  • Teaching,
  • Conference presentations,
  • Supervising students,
  • Visitors,
  • Grants,
  • Expert work,
  • Collaborations,
  • Proposals and
  • Institute duties.

You can leave any of the tables empty if that one is not relevant for you. We think that filling the tables in is quite self-explanatory -- we just mention those points in this instruction manual that seemed to be nontrivial.


Throughout the report form (esp. in the tables for scientific results, publications and conference presentations) you are going to run into a drop-down ’authorship’ menu with possible entries ’first/corresponding’, ’local lead’ and ’other’ author. First/corresponding author is what it means; you are a ’local lead author’ if you are the first in the author list with CSFK/RCAES affiliation (and not a first/corresponding author); and you are ’other’, if not the previous two, i.e. there is someone in front of you in the author list with CSFK/RCAES affiliation. Marking you scientific result, publication, conference presentation, etc., with one of these possibilities is important to us as it can help to select, e.g. a conference presentation only once for the final institute summary, if there are multiple co-authors from our institute – in this particular case a presentation is considered/counted only if you are a first/corresponding or local lead author.

List of tables and fields

Scientific results

Use 'Add entry to this table' at the bottom to add a new entry. You can edit the entries later by clicking on the number in the first column of the table (this is true for all tables). We expect a summary from you both in English and in Hungarian, but only if you are a first/corresponding or local lead author. If you are just 'other author', please write the name of the colleague in the summary field whom we can expect the summary from. If you are a first or local lead author and do not speak Hungarian, ask a Hungarian (speaking) colleague who is behind you in the author list. If there is none, leave the translation to us.

You may import records from ADS directly to this table, helping to have some initial content and fill out the associated publications accurately. This import procedure copies the abstract of the paper to the "English summary" field. However, please note that the goal of these summaries - both English and Hungarian - is to have some more fabulous description for our results (esp. for the funding agencies or government reports): for instance, a structured A&A abstract looks extremely weird here. Please reword these in order to have a terse (700-1000 character long), fabulous and interesting summary.

'Link(s) to open access' column: Typically, if you have imported sg. from ADS, this is filled with the ADS link. However, there can easily be cases when there is no 'open access' (arxiv) link at ADS for this publication (very common for a Nature paper, for example). If you have any other public link, please, include it here. Also, if you had, for example, a press release associated with your publication/result (NASA, ESA, ESO, MTA, etc.), it is also nice to include it here.


The most important feature here is that you can import entries from NASA ADS by using simply bibcodes -- see the "Import ADS bibliographic code(s)" link at the bottom. You can produce a list of publications in ADS that you want to include in your publication list here. At the ADS page, select the items you want to include, then click 'Export'. At 'Select Export Format' choose 'Custom Format', and write '%R' in the entry field that appears (without the quotation marks). Click 'Apply'. The list of bibcodes appear on the right in a gray box. Copy-paste the list into the entry box in your "Import ADS bibliographic code(s)" browser page. After importing, you may still need to edit the entries, e.g. to set the authorship status (publication type is usually correctly matched).

If your publication is not in ADS, you have to include it manually by using the "Add entry to this table" link. Please note that the this report service is integrated with the bibliographic library service (formerly hosted at

Important note: You have to include all your publications here as well, it is NOT enough to include them just in the Scientific results table! If they are not here, they are not going to be counted. This is somewhat redundant (like in the previous years), but the role of the Scientific results table is to have some insight about your achievements in the respective studies - hence, please add some details about your own contribution to the project. On the other hand, the Publications table summarizes all of your publications and can almost automatically retrieved from bibliographic services like ADS. What you certainly have to check is the Authorship field, it is not set automatically at the moment.

Again, use 'Add entry to this table' at the bottom to add a new entry. You can edit the entries later by clicking on the number in the first column of the table.

Conference presentations

You can add your conference presentations manually, but you may also import items from ADS in the same way as in the case of Publications and Scientific results above. Do not forget to set the 'Type' and 'Authorship' fields!


One of the fields in this table is 'Country of origin' of your visitor. This is not the country where this person was born, but rather the country of his/her current institute (the one in the 'Institute of origin' field).


The main goal here is to have a picture about the research budget related to you. In our interpretation you are a 'Co-I' if you have major role in the project, you are NOT a Co-I if you are just employed by this project for a certain period. Typically, if you are the PI of a project, the whole annual budget should be counted for you here. This is, as generally agreed, different for the 'OTKA' 'research' grants (NKFIH 'K' or 'N') where the bugdet is distributed FTE-proportionally among the 'senior' participants -- but you may do it another way, discuss this with your colleagues. For international grants for which the budget is distributed among the participating parties/institutes (e.g. collaborational H2020 grants) you have to include the institute-wise annual budget here, if you are the local (CSFK/RCAES) group leader/responsible person -- and this makes you a 'Co-I' in an 'international grant' (or PI, if you are so). Althoguh grant PI/Co-I status appears again in the 'Expert work' session (see below), your final grant-related subscore is calculated based on this table.

Expert work, achievement and outreach

This is a longest table where you can list various kinds of scientific expertise, achievement and outreach activities. There are several groups of activities covered here, as described below. Select the relevant activity from the drop-down menu, write some details in the description field, and add a final count (total number). E.g. if you were referee for A&A twice, and for MNRAS three times, select 'Referee for peer-reviwed journal', and write, for example 'A&A (2), MNRAS (3)' in the description field, and put '5' in the 'Total number' field. Or, equivalently, you may create two entries in the table with this expertise of 'Referee for peer-reviwed journal', where the descriptions are 'A&A' and 'MNRAS' with the corresponding total numbers of 2 and 3, respectively. Similarly, some details are welcome for all kind of activities -- but it does not have to be very long. The main group of actvities are:

  • Additional independent citations -- please, just add those citations here that do not appear in the automatically created scoring table (see below)!!!
  • Referee for peer-reviwed/non-peer-reviewed journals, reviewer for 'Doctor of Sciences' thesis (MTA), habilitation, PhD, MSc/BSc thesis, research grants, or any other similar activity.
  • Lector/editorial activities for different kind of journals
  • Your role in various scientific boards
  • Organization of events/conferences
  • Public outreach/media activities
  • Awards/DSc/PhD received: use the latter two only if you received your DSc/PhD degree in the actual year of the report (not just submitted it!). Obviously, the count is 1 here for each of these (theoritically you can receive two DSc/PhD titles in the same year, but we find it extremely unlikely)
  • Your role in research grants
  • Patents/know-how
  • Achievements of your students (successful PhD, or OTDK gold/silver/bronze medals)

Institute duties

You can include any 'institute duties' here, weighted by your 'Full Time Equivalent' (FTE), i.e. the time that you proportinally spend with this 'non-research', but important activity (total == 1.0). FTE is ignored for the Director/Group leader options.

Generating your summary/scoring sheet (a.k.a. ultimate excel sheet)

As we mentioned above, this online tool also replaces the scoring table ('ultimate excel sheet') used in the previous years and calculates your evaluation scores automatically. To generate this summary sheet, go to the 'Create a summary sheet for this report' section of your main report page (of the actual year). The 'ultimate excel table' option is automatically selected (no, you cannot select anything else, however hard you try). Select your library you want to use to calculate your independent citation count (you may just have one or none -- see the note below) and click 'Create summary sheet'. You may/may not want to display the fields with zero scores (may be useful to check that you filled in everything you wanted).

  • Generating your library: To generate a new library, go to 'main' and click 'Create a new library' under 'My libraries'. Go to the newly created library. The simplest thing you can do is to 'Add entries from ADS to this library' (at the bottom). You MUST have an ADS library containing your oeuvre. Export the bibcodes from ADS (with the "custom format" option, using the formatter '%R' see above), and copy-paste them into the entry box here, then 'Add entires'. A (hopefully) long list of publications will appear in the library that should already contain all kind of information, including the actual number of independent citations. You can also 'Add a custom entry to this library' at the bottom. Alternatively, there is an option in the 'Expert work' table to add a count of citations that cannot be obtained from ADS (see above).

Now, you have generated 'The Ultimate Excel table of the Annual report'. The fields of the table that appears here are almost identical to the fileds you could see in the scoring (ultimate) excel table in the previous years. There are some minor changes decided by the board of directors (just to know whom to blame).

Your actual scores per entry are in the third column, in the second column you can find the 'weights' used to calculate your scores. You can also find some additional information about this calculation under 'Scoring rules' on your main report page. At the bottom of the page you can find your total scores, and the subtotal scores for the four main parts.

There is no dedicated feature to store this final table, however, you can simply use the 'Print' option of your browser to create a well-formatted output. It has not been tested with all browers, but it provides a handsome PDF with Firefox, for example.