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List of active Q and DDT programs

2016 T3 (2016 Nov-2017 Feb)

Target-of-Opportunity: High-speed EMCCD occultation observations of TNOs. (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: RCC, EMCCD
  • PI: András Pál
  • Targets:

Due to the continous up date of the astrometric information (including b oth the TNO and the target star), the list of possible TNO occultations that are likely to be observable from a certain location are known approximately only one week in advance. The list of possible targets is continuously consulted with another observers trying to detect TNO occultations. One of the most up-to-date sites regarding to TNO occultations is

  • Description:

In this project we propose to gather high frequency (4Hz. . . 10Hz) optical time-series photometry of stars that are likely to be occulted by trans-Neptunian objects. Each occultation has a timespan of some tens of a second (dep ending on the actual object, i.e. the larger the object, the longer the occultation) and the prediction for such an event has an accuracy within a minute. Hence, the net time of an observation time series from a certain occultation is roughly 10 minutes. The gross time needed for such an occultation observation (including the preparation of the EMCCD for these observations, slewing the telescope, gathering some calibration frames, etc.) is roughly 30-45 minutes, expecting no glitches in the instrumentation and the availability of local support.

Long-term optical monitoring of recently discovered young eruptive stars (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Ágnes Kóspál
  • Target: V582 Aur (05 25 49 +34 52 30).
  • Description:

In our experience, a complete BVRI sequence (3-5 frames per filter, depending on the exposure time) can be executed in about 0.5 hour. We request one BVRI sequence for our target once a week. This means 18 epochs for the current semester. Therefore, we request 9 hours of observing time at the Schmidt telescope. The minimum useful time is one BVRI observation every second week, meaning 3 hours of observing time.

Aktív szupernóvák BVRI-fotometriája (Q, frissítve: 2016.11.10.)

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Vinkó József
  • Target1: SN 2016ixb (04:54:00 +01:57:47, hetente egyszer)
  • Target2: SN 2017ln (11:38:50 +25:24:00, hetente egyszer)
  • Description: Fiatal, fényes szupernóvák észlelése BVRI szűrővel, szűrőnként 3 felvétellel. B-ben 300 sec, a többi szűrővel 180 sec expozíciós idővel. Szükséges kalibrációs képek: min. 5 db. bias, 5 db 180 sec dark, 5 db 300 sec dark.

2016 Q2 (Apr-May-June)

Magnetospheric interaction in the eccentric T Tauri binary V1878 Ori

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Ágnes Kóspál
  • Target: DONE - V1878 Ori (05 30 43 -04 35), every night - DONE
  • Description:

Napi monitorozást szeretnek kerni a Schmidt-tel: minden este, amikor az időjaras engedi, két-három BVRI sorozatot kellene rá lenyomni. Korábban B=60s, V=20s, R=I=15s expozíciós időket használtunk, így ez minden este kb. 10-15 percet venne igénybe. Célunk az, hogy ebben a excentrikus kettősben azt vizsgáljuk, hogyan hat kölcsön a két csillag mágneses mezeje a keringés különböző fázisaiban. A várakozás az, hogy periasztronkor, mikor a csillagok legközelebb vannak egymáshoz, a csillagok mágneses mezeje összeolvadhat, mágneses rekonnexió történhet, ami flereket okozhat. Ezeket a flereket szeretnénk észlelni röntgen és optikai hullámhosszakon.

Target-of-Opportunity: High-speed EMCCD occultation observations of TNOs. (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: RCC, EMCCD
  • PI: András Pál
  • Targets:

Due to the continous up date of the astrometric information (including b oth the TNO and the target star), the list of possible TNO occultations that are likely to be observable from a certain location are known approximately only one week in advance. The list of possible targets is continuously consulted with another observers trying to detect TNO occultations. One of the most up-to-date sites regarding to TNO occultations is

  • Description:

In this project we propose to gather high frequency (4Hz. . . 10Hz) optical time-series photometry of stars that are likely to be occulted by trans-Neptunian objects. Each occultation has a timespan of some tens of a second (dep ending on the actual object, i.e. the larger the object, the longer the occultation) and the prediction for such an event has an accuracy within a minute. Hence, the net time of an observation time series from a certain occultation is roughly 10 minutes. The gross time needed for such an occultation observation (including the preparation of the EMCCD for these observations, slewing the telescope, gathering some calibration frames, etc.) is roughly 30-45 minutes, expecting no glitches in the instrumentation and the availability of local support.

Long-term optical monitoring of recently discovered young eruptive stars (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Ágnes Kóspál
  • Target: HBC 722 (20 58 17 +43 53 43).
  • Description:

In our experience, a complete BVRI sequence (3-5 frames per filter, depending on the exposure time) can be executed in about 0.5 hour. We request one BVRI sequence for our target once a week. This means 12 epochs for the current semester. Therefore, we request 6hours of observing time at the Schmidt telescope. The minimum useful time is oneBVRI observation every second week, meaning 3 hours of observing time.

Aktív szupernóvák BVRI-fotometriája (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Vinkó József
  • Target1: Gaia16apd (12:03:00 +44:15:00, hetente kétszer)
  • Target2: ST 2016coj (12:08:15 +65:15:00, kétnaponta)
  • Target3: SN 2016bln (13:34:55 +13:50:00, hetente egyszer)
  • Target4: SN 2016ccj (17:10:30 +26:23:00, hetente egyszer)
  • Target5: Gaia16alq (18:12:40 +31:17:00, hetente egyszer)
  • Target6: ST 2016coi (21:59:10 +18:11:00, kétnaponta)
  • Description: Fiatal, fényes szupernóvák észlelése BVRI szűrővel, szűrőnként 3 felvétellel. B-ben 300 sec, a többi szűrővel 180 sec expozíciós idővel

2016 Q1 (Jan-Feb-Mar)

Magnetospheric interaction in the eccentric T Tauri binary V1878 Ori

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Ágnes Kóspál
  • Target: V1878 Ori (05 30 43 -04 35), every night
  • Description:

Napi monitorozást szeretnek kerni a Schmidt-tel: minden este, amikor az időjaras engedi, két-három BVRI sorozatot kellene rá lenyomni. Korábban B=60s, V=20s, R=I=15s expozíciós időket használtunk, így ez minden este kb. 10-15 percet venne igénybe. Célunk az, hogy ebben a excentrikus kettősben azt vizsgáljuk, hogyan hat kölcsön a két csillag mágneses mezeje a keringés különböző fázisaiban. A várakozás az, hogy periasztronkor, mikor a csillagok legközelebb vannak egymáshoz, a csillagok mágneses mezeje összeolvadhat, mágneses rekonnexió történhet, ami flereket okozhat. Ezeket a flereket szeretnénk észlelni röntgen és optikai hullámhosszakon.

Target-of-Opportunity: High-speed EMCCD occultation observations of TNOs. (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: RCC, EMCCD
  • PI: András Pál
  • Targets:

Due to the continous up date of the astrometric information (including b oth the TNO and the target star), the list of possible TNO occultations that are likely to be observable from a certain location are known approximately only one week in advance. The list of possible targets is continuously consulted with another observers trying to detect TNO occultations. One of the most up-to-date sites regarding to TNO occultations is

  • Description:

In this project we propose to gather high frequency (4Hz. . . 10Hz) optical time-series photometry of stars that are likely to be occulted by trans-Neptunian objects. Each occultation has a timespan of some tens of a second (dep ending on the actual object, i.e. the larger the object, the longer the occultation) and the prediction for such an event has an accuracy within a minute. Hence, the net time of an observation time series from a certain occultation is roughly 10 minutes. The gross time needed for such an occultation observation (including the preparation of the EMCCD for these observations, slewing the telescope, gathering some calibration frames, etc.) is roughly 30-45 minutes, expecting no glitches in the instrumentation and the availability of local support.

Long-term optical monitoring of recently discovered young eruptive stars (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Ágnes Kóspál
  • Targets: V582 Aur (05 25 52 +34 52 30), once a week
  • Description:

We request one BVRI sequence (3-5 frames per filter, depending on the exposure time) for our target once a week. This means 14 epochs for the current semester. Therefore, we request 12 hours of observing time at the Schmidt telescope. The minimum useful time is one BVRI observation every second week, meaning 6 hours of observing time..

Aktív szupernóvák BVRI-fotometriája (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Vinkó József
  • Target: nincs célpont
  • Description: Fiatal, fényes szupernóvák észlelése BVRI szűrővel, szűrőnként 3 felvétellel

2015 Q4 (Oct-Nov-Dec)

Dust production in developing planetary systems (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Ágnes Kóspál
  • Targets: RZ Psc (01 09 42 +27 57 02), HD 15407A (02 30 51 +55 32 54), V488 Per (03 28 19 +48 39 48), HD 23514 (03 46 38 +22 55 11).
  • Description:

Two of our targets, HD 15407A and HD 23514, are very bright (V =7.0 and 9.4mag, respectively), thus we will take several frames with very short (0.3-4 s) exposure time, possibly combined with defocusing the telescope. To minimize the overheads, it is enough to read out an a protion of the chip containing our target and a suitable comparison star. The other two targets, RZ Psc and V488 Per, are fainter (V =11.3 and 12.8mag, respectively), thus we will take a few frames with 30–60 s exposure time. All of our stars will be monitored in the BVRI filters. According to our previous experience, one target can be observed in about 15 minutes. We request observations approximately every two days for each source in the following periods:

RZ Psc: Oct 10 - Nov 20

HD 15407A: Nov 7 - Dec 28

V488 Per: Nov 15 - Dec 31

HD 23514: Nov 13 - Dec 23

Target-of-Opportunity: High-speed EMCCD occultation observations of TNOs. (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: RCC, EMCCD
  • PI: András Pál
  • Targets:

Due to the continous up date of the astrometric information (including b oth the TNO and the target star), the list of possible TNO occultations that are likely to be observable from a certain location are known approximately only one week in advance. The list of possible targets is continuously consulted with another observers trying to detect TNO occultations. One of the most up-to-date sites regarding to TNO occultations is

  • Description:

In this project we propose to gather high frequency (4Hz. . . 10Hz) optical time-series photometry of stars that are likely to be occulted by trans-Neptunian objects. Each occultation has a timespan of some tens of a second (dep ending on the actual object, i.e. the larger the object, the longer the occultation) and the prediction for such an event has an accuracy within a minute. Hence, the net time of an observation time series from a certain occultation is roughly 10 minutes. The gross time needed for such an occultation observation (including the preparation of the EMCCD for these observations, slewing the telescope, gathering some calibration frames, etc.) is roughly 30-45 minutes, expecting no glitches in the instrumentation and the availability of local support.

Long-term optical monitoring of recently discovered young eruptive stars (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Ágnes Kóspál
  • Targets: V582 Aur (05 25 52 +34 52 30), once a week
  • Description:

We request one BVRI sequence (3-5 frames per filter, depending on the exposure time) for our target once a week. This means 14 epochs for the current semester. Therefore, we request 12 hours of observing time at the Schmidt telescope. The minimum useful time is one BVRI observation every second week, meaning 6 hours of observing time..

Aktív szupernóvák BVRI-fotometriája (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Vinkó József
  • Target: PS15cku, kétnaponta
  • Description: Fiatal, fényes szupernóvák észlelése BVRI szűrővel, szűrőnként 3 felvétellel

set focus auto off
sequence -n PS15cku-%N -V -x {ra=01:25:00,dec=+03:33:32},{ra=01:24:14,dec=+03:33:32},{focus=26.10},3*([filter=V,time=300],[filter=R,time=300],[filter=I,time=300])

2015 Q3 (July-August-September)

Magnetospheric interaction in the eccentric T Tauri binary V1878 Ori (DDT)

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Ágnes Kóspál
  • Target: V1878 Ori (05:30:42.6 -04:35:01.8) V = 11.5 mag.

A program kereteben egy Orion-beli csillagot monitoroznank, egyszeru BVRI sorozatok kellenenek. Korabbi tapasztalataink alapjan B-ben 60 s, V-ben 20 s, R-ben es I-ben 15 s expozicios idok jol mukodnek. A mereseket egy rontgen-radio projekttel szimultan kernenk, tehat az idoszakok, amikor merni kellene (minden hajnalban, amikor az idojaras engedi):

Aug 31 - Szep 5

Szep 17 - 23

Az Orion ilyenkor meg eppen csak napkelte elott lathato, ezert arra szeretnelek kerni benneteket, hogy amint a target biztonsagos elevacio fole emelkedik hajnalban, kezdjetek el merni. A minimalis program 3 BVRI sorozat lenne, ez lemegy kb. 10 perc alatt. Az idealis persze az lenne, ha egeszen addig tudnatok merni, amig ki nem vilagosodik.

Target-of-Opportunity: High-speed EMCCD occultation observations of TNOs. (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: RCC, EMCCD
  • PI: András Pál
  • Targets:

Due to the continous up date of the astrometric information (including b oth the TNO and the target star), the list of possible TNO occultations that are likely to be observable from a certain location are known approximately only one week in advance. The list of possible targets is continuously consulted with another observers trying to detect TNO occultations. One of the most up-to-date sites regarding to TNO occultations is

  • Description:

In this project we propose to gather high frequency (4Hz. . . 10Hz) optical time-series photometry of stars that are likely to be occulted by trans-Neptunian objects. Each occultation has a timespan of some tens of a second (dep ending on the actual object, i.e. the larger the object, the longer the occultation) and the prediction for such an event has an accuracy within a minute. Hence, the net time of an observation time series from a certain occultation is roughly 10 minutes. The gross time needed for such an occultation observation (including the preparation of the EMCCD for these observations, slewing the telescope, gathering some calibration frames, etc.) is roughly 30-45 minutes, expecting no glitches in the instrumentation and the availability of local support.

Long-term optical monitoring of recently discovered young eruptive stars (Q)

  • Telescope, detector: Schmidt
  • PI: Ágnes Kóspál
  • Target: HBC 722 (20 58 17 +43 53 43).
  • Description:

In our experience, a complete BVRI sequence (3-5 frames per filter, depending on the exposure time) can be executed in about 0.5 hour. We request one BVRI sequence for our target once a week. This means 12 epochs for the current semester. Therefore, we request 6hours of observing time at the Schmidt telescope. The minimum useful time is oneBVRI observation every second week, meaning 3 hours of observing time.

Aktív szupernóvák BVRI-fotometriája (Q)

  • Távcső: Schmidt
  • PI: Vinkó József
  • Célpontok: értesítés alapján
  • Leírás: Fiatal, fényes szupernóvák észlelése BVRI szűrővel, szűrőnként 3 felvétellel, átlagosan heti három alkalommal.