Geographic coordinates
Astrogeodetic coordinates of the telescopes at Piszkéstető Source: Pál Lévai and Sándor Nagy: "Piszkéstető koordinátái", 1989, FÖMI Satellite Geodetic Observatory, Penc, March 8, 1989. The coordinates apply to the points of intersection of the right ascension and declination axes. The relative uncertainties (compared to a reference point that has been destroyed yet) are 1 cm in case of the Cassegrain telescope and Schmidt telescope, and 10 cm in case of the RCC telescope.
- Cassegrain telescope
- φ = 47 55' 09"8 = 47.94189
- λ = 19 53' 37"8 = 19.89383
- H = 948.1 m
- Schmidt telescope
- φ = 47 55' 05"9
- λ = 19 53' 39"6
- H = 937.55 m
- RCC telescope
- φ = 47 55' 04"2
- λ = 19 53' 44"1
- H = 959.61 m