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X2GO is a remote desktop software, you can use it to access the computers that control the telescopes, for example m6 for RCC.

The x2go Session preferences window

To use x2go, you need the following setup:

  • Session:
    • Session name: whatever you want
    • Host:
    • Login: your username on m6
    • SSH port: 22
    • Session type: MATE
    • If you want to connect to m6 outside of the konkoly network, you have to tick Use proxy server for SSH connection.
      • Type: SSH
      • Host: (or whatever computer that you have access to in Konkoly)
      • Port: 22
      • Login: your username on
  • Connection
    • Connection speed: the speed of your internet
    • Compression: 16m-jpeg + image quality 9 usually works just fine.
  • Input/output
    • Display: You can choose whatever you prefer here. Usually in a FHD display a costume 1920x1040 resolution works fine. Tick Set display DPI and set it to 96.
    • Clipboard mode: Bidirectional
    • Keyboard: Auto detect
  • Media
    • Untick everything.
  • Shared folders
    • If you want to access a folder on your computer on m6, add your folder here.